Thursday 1 August 2013

Kids these days

If I had a penny every time someone said to me 'Wow you're so lucky you're so rich', 'I'm sure you always eat/buy this (something expensive)' or something along the lines of that, I'd be rich. Like really.

Before I get started, let me make it clear that I do not think it's a compliment. Because what I'm really hearing is 'wow you're so lucky you have parents that buy you everything; you must have it so much better than I do although you didn't do anything to get there and you probably can't settle for less because you're a spoiled brat'. You don't have to mean it, but with every time you make that face and make it seem that you're being nice about my financial status, you're not. And I'll bet I'm not the only one on the receiving end of this who feels this way.

Harsh? Well I've had people say to my face sentences that even contain the actual words 'spoiled', 'filthy rich' and 'lucky'. But not the 'God's got an eye out for you' kind of lucky, but the 'you didn't do half the things you should to get to where you are' lucky.

The thing is, you don't even know me, and how I spend the money I'm allowed. I'll bet you I spend less than half of my friends, wealthy or not. I hardly splurge on clothes or shoes. I make an exception for the occasional CD, good meal and concert but I try to be thrifty too.

And the adults. They just love pointing out how much you're better off now than they were during their adolescence. 'Back in my day...', you've heard it, 'You kids drive around all day in your sports cars...'. I understand you went through a whole lot more hardship than we did without technology, air-conditioning even, etc. and deserve better than we do. So do you instead suggest we live like you did? Even out the field, am I right?

You see some characters in movies like the dude from Confessions of a Shopaholic who want nothing to do with his wealthy parents in his career because the money and name his parents have will help him start off on higher ground, not from his own doing. Do you think it's silly?

Maybe you do. But I sympathise. I mean, how about you going to work with colleagues going at it behind your back all day that you didn't have to lift a finger while they're breaking their backs trying to get places although that's not the case? And how about people writing you off as someone who is always dependant on someone else's hard work to go the distance? And most of all how about you never knowing if the reason you become successful is due to your capabilities or your folks'?

I know not everyone's quick to judge like I'd said. But some people definitely do. And some have even come up to me to let me know they think so.

As a feminist, I preach equality between females and males and inevitably equality in every other aspect; race, religion and hey, why not judgement of character in terms of personality, intelligence and dedication instead of wealth hmm?


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