Friday 1 November 2013

How to Prepare Pasta

How to prepare pasta 

Just the very basics of a good pasta meal :)

Different people prefer different textures for their pasta.

Myself, I like my pasta al dente. I believe this means they are still tangy and not too soft.

Also, the pasta for me, on its own should be a little salty. As most of my pasta dishes are not exactly gravy(ful? They’re pretty dry), I make sure the pasta on its own is alright to the taste.

As for the olive oil, it’s really there just so that if you’re gonna keep the pasta to cool on its own for a while, it doesn’t clump together like udon you get from the supermarket. But because I mostly immediately dump my pasta into the sauce after they’re done, I seldom use olive oil.


- Pasta
- Salt
- Olive oil


1. Fill a pot with water. Not too much, just enough for the pasta. Put it on the stove on high heat. And don’t worry about spaghetti that sticks out of the pot, they all go down eventually (muahahaha). You should keep the lid on so that the water boils faster.

2. When the water begins to boil, add salt to taste. I make pasta a lot so I add as much as I feel is enough. So you should add till you get used to the amount you need according to how much water you use. I can’t put an exact quantity on it. Add a tablespoon or two of olive oil.

3. Chuck the pasta in and just wait. Spaghetti usually takes longer to cook compared to short pasta like fusilli or macaroni.

4. Because the heat is on high, if the lid is closed, the water bubbles up considerably fast, so keep the lid off and constantly pick up a pasta or two to try.

5. When the pasta is as chewy/soft as you like, drain’em. If you’ll be keeping them aside for a while, you can chose to soak them in cold water so they don’t stick, but if you added enough olive oil while boiling you shouldn’t have to.

So there you have it :)
Good ol’ pasta
Check out mah sauce recipes :)

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